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Weekly Links Roundup – Engagement, One-page Sites, WooCommerce, Trust

The top website and marketing links of the week. If you’re using social media to help promote your business, you probably have found that a lack of engagement from your followers is a very frustrating thing. Here are 10 tips on improving engagement in social media marketing. Considering a redesign of your business site as…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Creating Trust, Hosting Multiple Sites, Instagram, SSL

The top website and marketing links of the week. Not just for websites… learn how attentive UX design can help you create trust for your brand across the board (but note how important good website design is!). How many business websites do you have? If you’re like one of my clients, you might have 6…

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Weekly Links Roundup – WWW, Tracking Redirects, SEO for Non-profits, Social Media, Typography

The top website and marketing links of the week. To WWW or not to WWW? Ask Yoast answers this question. (Hint: it doesn’t matter). Ever done a print ad campaign and wondered how to track the incoming links? This article explains how to track redirects using Google Analytics and a query string – really easy…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Nonprofit SEO, Content Formatting, Twitter, Color Psych

The top website and marketing links of the week. You know that SEO (search engine optimization) is important if you want to attract traffic. If you’re managing a nonprofit’s website, how do you approach optimizing content? Here’s a guide to dealing with the most important SEO challenges for nonprofits. Check out the home page of…


Weekly Links Roundup – Social Media, Responsive Websites, Website Maintenance

The top website and marketing links of the week. Is your business late to jump on the social media bandwagon? Are you unsure if or how social media can help your business? This post is for you – learn 3 ways that social media can help drive business growth. I’m in the process of convincing…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Trustmarks, Instagram, Content Auditing, Email

The top website and marketing links for this week. You’ve invested in a great-looking business website full of useful, up-to-date content. What else can you do to enhance your site’s credibility? Try using these trustmarks to make your customers more confident in using your site. They include things like security seals from payment processors; using HTTPS for…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Better Blogging, Keyword Research, Social Media Trends

The top website and marketing links for this week. If you’ve been thinking about starting a business blog, good for you! It can be a big help in improving and maintaining good search engine rankings. If you’re not sure where to start, here are 12 essential resources for becoming a (better) blogger. The most obvious…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Facebook Image Sizes, Digital Marketing, UX

The top website and marketing links for this week. Ever struggled to get the right crop for your Facebook cover and photos? Here’s some help from Constant Contact. And, here’s an infographic guide to the current image sizes for the major social networks. This is right to the point – three simple digital marketing strategies…

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Friday Link Wrapup – SEO, Facebook Business Pages, Site Structure

Happy holidays, if you’re celebrating something this weekend… The top website and marketing links for this week. Food for thought as we come to the beginning of a new year – thinking about your business in light of these five constraints will probably be an eye-opener. A current (2016) guide to on-page SEO for small business…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Website Planning, Social Media, About Us Pages, Homepages

The top website and marketing links for this week. Here’s an interesting take on the planning process for a new website – how to plan your website like you plan your vacations. This post will help you think about your goals, budget, and more. Just getting started on Facebook or Twitter, or looking for more…