
Displaying Only the Best Reviews on Your Website? You May Want to Rethink That…

If you’re like many (most?) small business owners, it’s a point of pride to show those 5-star Google reviews on your website. There are a number of WordPress plugins that will enable you to do this easily. But whether or not this is a good idea requires some thought… Did you hear about the case…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Product Descriptions, Button Design, Accessibility, Low-cost Marketing Ideas

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Selling online? Check out this detailed post on how to write a good product description. A persuasive product description might be the very last chance you have to convince a potential customer to buy – just like high-quality photos are critical for ecommerce sites, so…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Podcasting Mics, WordPress Updates, Social Media Marketing

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Thinking about starting a podcast? Or already doing one, but need to upgrade your gear? Here’s a review of the top 10 podcast microphones and some reasons to justify getting one! Do you keep your WordPress website up to date? A recent study showed that…