Weekly Links Roundup – Trustmarks, Instagram, Content Auditing, Email
The top website and marketing links for this week.
You’ve invested in a great-looking business website full of useful, up-to-date content. What else can you do to enhance your site’s credibility? Try using these trustmarks to make your customers more confident in using your site. They include things like security seals from payment processors; using HTTPS for added security; being mobile-friendly, and displaying credible reviews and testimonials.
Do you use Instagram for business? I use it for pleasure (see my photos here) but still found this ultimate guide to Instagram hashtags required reading.
Ever done a content audit for your website? A content audit is an inventory of all the existing content on a site with the goal of determining what to keep, what to discard, and what to improve. If you’re preparing for a redesign this year, this is the perfect time. Here’s a big guide to content auditing that will walk you through the process.
And finally… if you’re thinking about starting a newsletter so you can do something with all those email addresses you’ve collected, you might be wondering which email marketing service to pick. Here’s a review and comparison of Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, and SendInBlue. Just FYI, I used Campaign Monitor for several years before switching to MailChimp and have been very happy with that decision. I have not used SendInBlue.