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Weekly Links Roundup – Engagement, One-page Sites, WooCommerce, Trust

The top website and marketing links of the week.

If you’re using social media to help promote your business, you probably have found that a lack of engagement from your followers is a very frustrating thing. Here are 10 tips on improving engagement in social media marketing.

Considering a redesign of your business site as a one-page website? Learn about the pros and cons of this popular trend. One important thing to also consider is SEO. If you’re depending on Google Search to gain new customers, a multi-page site will offer many more opportunities to be found. Learn about single-page sites and SEO.

If you’re thinking about starting up an online store and selling products (real or digital), WordPress might be a great platform to build on – it often is for startup sellers. And if you’re thinking WordPress, you should also be thinking WooCommerce. I read last night that over 40% of all online stores are now powered by WooCommerce; that’s an astounding number, but one of the reason is that WooCommerce really is easy to use for new businesses. It’s true it can become complex especially if you have custom functionality or many addons plugins, but the basics are easy. Here’s a tutorial in getting started with WooCommerce.

Finally… Always a concern, but especially if you’re selling online, is the matter of trust. Does your website inspire trust? Is it clean, professional, and using HTTPS for the safety of your buyers? Or is it cluttered, full of spelling and grammar errors, and compromising safety with HTTP? Here are 11 reasons why users won’t trust your site, and may do business elsewhere. Fix them ASAP.