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Weekly Links Roundup – Mobile Design, Plugins, Web Fonts, HTTPS

The top website and marketing links of the week. It’s common for clients to make assumptions about mobile design (users never scroll; I have to cut back on content for phones). But many of them just aren’t true! Learn about mobile design myths and how to go beyond them to provide a truly useful and…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Website Problems, Nofollow, Android vs iPhone, Local Competition

The top website and marketing links of the week. I’m on a constant campaign to get my clients to overcome these common problems that hold their websites back. Mobile-unfriendliness, low-quality (or mostly absent) content, free website builders, and lack of trackable conversions are always issues that can be fixed to make your site a more…


Weekly Links Roundup – Social Media, Responsive Websites, Website Maintenance

The top website and marketing links of the week. Is your business late to jump on the social media bandwagon? Are you unsure if or how social media can help your business? This post is for you – learn 3 ways that social media can help drive business growth. I’m in the process of convincing…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Mobile Friendly Sales, SEO Basics, Online Payments, Getting People to Sign Up

The top website and marketing links for this week. Still clinging to that old website that isn’t mobile-friendly? Techcrunch reports that yesterday was the biggest shopping day on Thanksgiving ever – $1.15 billion in sales by 5pm. And 54% of visits – $449 million of sales – of that was on smartphones and tablets. Do…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Mobile yet Unfriendly, Security Threats, Marketing Stats

The top website and marketing links for this week. Is your website mobile-friendly (yay!) but ridiculously hard to use on a phone? If that’s the case, you need to read “How to Poison the Mobile User” to understand how your website may be impacting your customers and sales. And then contact me because I can help…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Mobile Friendly Websites, Single-tasking, Pomodoro

The top website and marketing links for this week. How does your website look in a phone? Is it a breeze to use, with easy to understand navigation and a clear call to action helping users do what you want them to do? Or is it embarrassing – it looks just like a miniature version…


Quick Poll: Smartphone Users’ Behavior on Sites That Aren’t Mobile-Friendly

I’d really appreciate your answer to this one-question poll! It will help me better answer clients when they say ‘I don’t need a mobile-friendly site – do I?’ or ‘in my industry it doesn’t matter if my site works well on phones.’ EDIT: The poll is closed – the results were: 48% said they leave a…


Google Begins Using Mobile-friendliness as a Ranking Factor on April 21. Is Your Site Ready?

Is your website mobile-friendly? If not, this news might make you reconsider that. On April 21, Google will start using mobile-friendliness (or responsiveness) as one of its ranking factors in search results. This is a natural addition given that the number of users using mobile surpassed desktop users in early 2014. How might this change…