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Weekly Links Roundup – Branding, Ecommerce, Blacklisting, SEO Meta Descriptions

The top website and marketing links for this week. If your company were a couch, what kind of couch would it be? Find out here and see if your website and marketing collateral reflects your choice – or doesn’t. If you have a large and/or very busy ecommerce site and have been wary about moving to…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Self Hosting Video, Blogging Ideas, SEO for 2017

The top website and marketing links for this week. This problem cropped up just last week. A client had a few videos that he wanted to self-host, rather than use a third-party video hosting service like YouTube or Vimeo. As expected, loading time was slow, there were frequent crashes and stalls, and on mobile the…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Better Blogging, Keyword Research, Social Media Trends

The top website and marketing links for this week. If you’ve been thinking about starting a business blog, good for you! It can be a big help in improving and maintaining good search engine rankings. If you’re not sure where to start, here are 12 essential resources for becoming a (better) blogger. The most obvious…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Hosting and Performance, SEO, Email Marketing

If you think it doesn’t matter where you host your business website, think again. Cheap shared hosting is not a bargain when slow loading times can be costing you customers and conversions. Check out our post on hosting and performance here. When it comes to optimizing your site pages or posts, you don’t want to waste…

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Friday Link Wrapup – SEO, Facebook Business Pages, Site Structure

Happy holidays, if you’re celebrating something this weekend… The top website and marketing links for this week. Food for thought as we come to the beginning of a new year – thinking about your business in light of these five constraints will probably be an eye-opener. A current (2016) guide to on-page SEO for small business…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Mobile Friendly Sales, SEO Basics, Online Payments, Getting People to Sign Up

The top website and marketing links for this week. Still clinging to that old website that isn’t mobile-friendly? Techcrunch reports that yesterday was the biggest shopping day on Thanksgiving ever – $1.15 billion in sales by 5pm. And 54% of visits – $449 million of sales – of that was on smartphones and tablets. Do…