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Weekly Links Roundup – Blog Comments, HTTPS Problems, Website Ownership, Social Media Marketing

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Everything you ever wanted to know about comments in WordPress – what they are and how to manage them. If you’ve decided not to allow commenting in your blog or are currently on the fence about it, check out this post on allowing blog comments…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Creating Trust, Hosting Multiple Sites, Instagram, SSL

The top website and marketing links of the week. Not just for websites… learn how attentive UX design can help you create trust for your brand across the board (but note how important good website design is!). How many business websites do you have? If you’re like one of my clients, you might have 6…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Security, Let’s Encrypt, Competitor Analysis, Selling

The top website and marketing links of the week. Looking to improve security on your site – WordPress or otherwise? This post (not for the tech-averse!) is an overview of 5 technologies you should consider, including Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. Warning: this is a tech-heavy post and assumes you have advanced knowledge relating to your…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Google Search Console, SSL, Email, To-do Lists

The top website and marketing links for this week. I always set up Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) account for project clients; here’s a basic guide to understanding what it does and how to benefit from it. This is a great post (not too confusing) explaining some of the issues and misconceptions around SSL certificates…