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Weekly Links Roundup – WordPress and SEO, Google or Facebook Ads, Blogging, Getting Testimonials

The top website and online marketing links of the week. It’s true that WordPress is my favorite CMS (content management system). That doesn’t mean it’s the right CMS for every business. However, WordPress may be one of the best CMS platforms for SEO. Learn what makes WordPress so SEO-friendly and why it may be a…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Banner Ads, Blogging Ideas, VPN, Favicons

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Don’t know if you noticed, but if you logged in to your WordPress site in the last day or two and are using Yoast SEO, you would have seen a great big irritating animated banner advertising Yoast’s black Friday sale. There were so many complaints…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Lazy Loading, Tracking Downloads, Page Speed, Email Marketing for Bloggers

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Here’s an easy performance win – implement lazy loading on your site. Lazy loading means not loading images that are off-screen; they eventually load when the user scrolls down to them. Learn more about lazy loading and here’s the plugin I like for this task…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Business Blogging, Scannable Content, Testimonials Slider, Video Galleries

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Think blogging is a waste of time? (Hint: it’s not, if you do it with a focus on quality and consistency). Here’s a quick guide on starting a blog for business and why it really does matter if you’re trying to make your website the…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Product Photos, Current Content, Google My Business, Blogging Lessons

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Sometimes, convincing clients (especially new ecommerce site owners) that they need to invest in high-quality photography for their site falls on deaf ears. And that’s a shame, because great photos are critical for ecommerce sites; the quality of your images reflects the quality of your…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Republish Old Posts, Content Curation, Website Footers, More Conversions

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Do you ever republish your old blog posts? If you don’t, you should consider it. It’s likely there are great old posts that just need a little updating before they’re ready to put in front of newer readers. Recycling old content is often much easier…

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Weekly Links Roundup – 2018 Marketing Statistics, Blogging Benefits, Website Redesigns

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Are you a stats person? This is just for you! Here is HubSpot’s ultimate list of marketing statistics for 2018 – enjoy! Some of the standouts for me include: 84% of people will not make a purchase if they are dealing with an unsecured website. (Blue…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Slow Sites, Black Friday, Improving Conversions, Google Reviews, Blogging

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Think your slow-as-a-turtle website isn’t hurting your business? Think again. Google has been looking at page load time since back in 2010, and they use this information when ranking websites. A study from 2016 showed that over 50% of mobile users would abandon a site…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Ecommerce, GDPR, Instagram, Blogging, Facebook PYMK

The top website and marketing links of the week. If you run an ecommerce site, you’re probably interested in increasing conversions, right? Here is a post about the 13 things your ecommerce pages need to do just that – get more sales. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is coming up quickly. Learn how to…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Blogging, Keywords for Blogs, Asking for Google Reviews, Link Text

The top website and marketing links of the week. If you have a business website and are not blogging, why not? Yes, it can be a big time sink. But blogging, for some businesses, is a great way to both grow your website and get more love in Google and other search engines. If you’re…