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Weekly Links Roundup – Podcasting Mics, WordPress Updates, Social Media Marketing

The top website and online marketing links of the week. Thinking about starting a podcast? Or already doing one, but need to upgrade your gear? Here’s a review of the top 10 podcast microphones and some reasons to justify getting one! Do you keep your WordPress website up to date? A recent study showed that…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Site Speed, Product Pages, Contact Pages, WordPress Security Myths

The top website and online marketing links of the week. You know your website is slow. It’s always been like that. But do you really understand what that slow site could be costing you in terms of customers and conversions? A recent report shows that 70% of buyers are influence by a site’s page loading…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Security, Let’s Encrypt, Competitor Analysis, Selling

The top website and marketing links of the week. Looking to improve security on your site – WordPress or otherwise? This post (not for the tech-averse!) is an overview of 5 technologies you should consider, including Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. Warning: this is a tech-heavy post and assumes you have advanced knowledge relating to your…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Better Blogging, Keyword Research, Social Media Trends

The top website and marketing links for this week. If you’ve been thinking about starting a business blog, good for you! It can be a big help in improving and maintaining good search engine rankings. If you’re not sure where to start, here are 12 essential resources for becoming a (better) blogger. The most obvious…