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Weekly Links Roundup – Creating Trust, Hosting Multiple Sites, Instagram, SSL

The top website and marketing links of the week. Not just for websites… learn how attentive UX design can help you create trust for your brand across the board (but note how important good website design is!). How many business websites do you have? If you’re like one of my clients, you might have 6…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Hosting and Performance, SEO, Email Marketing

If you think it doesn’t matter where you host your business website, think again. Cheap shared hosting is not a bargain when slow loading times can be costing you customers and conversions. Check out our post on hosting and performance here. When it comes to optimizing your site pages or posts, you don’t want to waste…

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Friday Link Wrapup – Keywords in Domains, Hosting Moves, Online Mistakes

The top website and marketing links for this week. Verisign researchers published some interesting info about keywords in domains in May… their study shows that domains that have keywords matching a given search query received more clicks than those with no keyword. By the numbers: No search keywords in domain: 12.44% click rate 1 search…


Slow is bad.

If waiting for your own business website to open is mildly irritating to you, magnify that feeling by about 10x to understand how visitors and customers  view any delays. I recently worked on a site that was build on my production server (a dedicated server), with extremely fast load times. Once the project was complete…