Grammar tools for WordPress
Need a grammar/spelling/style reviewer for your blog posts? There’s a plugin for that.
Actually there are a few. One of the more popular is After The Deadline; it’s a comprehensive tool that does all the above. Besides the plugin for sites, it’s also available as a Firefox addon or Chrome browser extension.
Give it a try – you can install the plugin from within your WordPress administration site by going to Plugins > Add New Plugin and entering ‘after the deadline’ in the search box. When it comes up, click ‘Install Now’ and then ‘Activate’ on the next page. Then, go to your user profile to set it up under Proofreading and you’re ready to write.
When you’re working on a page or blog post, just click the spellcheck button in the visual editor toolbars to turn on After The Deadline. Here’s a handy guide to using it.