Weekly Links Roundup – Email Marketing Images, Heatmaps, Map Plugins, PDF Plugins
The top website and online marketing links of the week.
Ever really think about using images in your email newsletter? And what kind of an impact those images might have? If not, take a look at this post about images in email marketing, you might learn a thing or two about selecting and using them more effectively.
Here’s a nifty new addon tool from Google Analytics – read this guide to using the Page Analytics Chrome plugin to see heatmaps of any website. A heat map can show you where users linger on your website – where they tend to spend the most time. Learn what sections and elements your visitors are interacting with, and which they are not.
If you have a brick-and-mortar business (or a number of them) you can use a map on your website. Maps add a great visual component and can help users find your location easily. But there are so many map plugins for WordPress – which should you use? Here’s a review of 8 WordPress map plugins to help you decide which is a good fit for your site and needs.
Finally… if you have a lot of documents on your site, you may want to check out PDF Poster. This free plugin displays PDF files right within your WordPress pages and posts and supports file downloads. See the complete review.
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