This form should take about 10 minutes to complete, but you can always come back and finish it later. Step 1 of 6 16% Please tell us about you.Name First Last Email PhoneYour BusinessYour Title Tell us about your business…What best describes your organization? Small Business Medium or Large Business Non-profit Organization Professional Firm or Practice Other (please describe below) When was your organization started? Less than 2 years ago 2-10 years ago More than 10 years ago Please describe your organizationWhat does your organization make or do?Where is your organization located? Tell us about your project.Please describe the project you have in mind.Is this project for a new website or redesigning an existing website? New site Redesign an existing site If an existing website what is the URL? How is domain-related email handled for the existing website? We have email through Google, Microsoft or another outside service. We run email through our domain (attached to our hosting account). We don’t use domain-related email. Not sure. Have you already registered a domain name for the new site? Yes No Not sure Who is the final decision maker for this project?Please enter an individual’s name or a team.What are the goals for the new website that would make it successful?What business plans do you have over the next year that we should know about as we develop the site? Tell us about your target audience and branding.Do you already have branding for your organization or is it something that needs to be created or updated? Yes, we have branding and want to keep as is. We have branding but want to update it. We don’t have set branding at this time. Branding includes visual identity elements such as a logo, color palette, and other design elements that distinguish your organization.Please describe the general demographics of your audience.This may include things like: parents of preschool kids; retirees who travel a lot; small business owners; homeowners who make over $100,000 per year…Please describe the people or groups who will be using the website and what they'll be trying to do on the website.Who is the website for? This may include people who want to buy your products or hire you for your services or donate to or volunteer for your organization.Tell us about 2-3 other websites you like and what you like about them.What's the #1 thing you want your visitors to do on your website?Buy something, sign up for something like a newsletter, make an appointment, fill out a form…If a goal of the site is to get new leads, how do you plan to drive traffic to the website?May include word-of-mouth, SEO, ads, membership, social media… Website Functions and Project InformationHow much of the website's content is already created and ready to go? All of it Some of it None of it How much of the content is already created (percentage)?Do you need help creating the rest of the content?About how many pages will your new site have? Under 10 pages 10-25 pages 26-50 pages 51-100 pages More than 100 pages Will you sell products or services on your site? Yes No Will there need to be user accounts on the site? Yes No Will site visitors/customers need to login to the website for any reason? Or will your team members need to login for anything except content editing?Does the site need to integrate with third-party services?This may include a CRM, billing, ecommerce on another website, other API… If so, please describe.For building trust and credibility on the site, do you have testimonials, awards, publications that we can use or can you get them?Is it important or required that your site meet accessibility guidelines?If so, do you know what WCAG standard the site needs to meet?What other features does the website need to have?Please provide info on the things you definitely want included and we’ll help you with this list. Time and BudgetWhen would you like to launch your new website?Is the above a hard date or do you have any flexibility? Hard date with no flexibility Some flexiblity When do you plan to make the decision on who you hire for this project?When do you plan to start work on this project?What is your budget range?Please be realistic – this will greatly affect how accurately we can estimate your project. Our fully custom projects start at around $4000 and the fee increases with size and complexity.Who will be responsible for maintaining the website after launch? I or my team will maintain the site I will need help with this Note: Red Kite provides hosting, maintenance and other services for taking care of your website.What made you decide to contact Red Kite about your project?Word-of-mouth referral, search engine, online ads, Google Reviews…EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 47448